I supported the developement of Aloe Bud, a self-care companion with over 200k downloads on the App Store by providing UX support, updating the brand and website as well as designing a community garden.
Having met Amber Discko online and working with them on Lasuni, we have been long-time friends and collaborators - over 10 years! First on Femsplain then later on Aloe Bud.
Aloe Bud was founded by Amber in early 2017 and inspired by their own poor self-care habits, Amber built a “check-in” tool to help them remember and stay accountable. Using Kickstarter, Amber crowdfunded their app to life. It was released in early 2018, and plans for an Android version soon. Aloe is powered by an all volunteer team of buds, with “headquarters” aka Amber’s apartment in Brooklyn, NY.
Throughout the creation of Aloe Bud I have helped whenever possible to help make it a success. I deeply believe in the mission and in Amber. Since leaving Play I have had more time to dedicate to Aloe Bud.
With Amber and Stefan Hayden we set out to create a community garden on Twitter where people could find a refuge from… well Twitter. Followers (or Buds) can tweet @Aloebud to send resources to help the garden grow. Everyday there is an updated version of the garden, as well a leaderboards for the most helpful buds. Buds can also send virtual flowers to their loved ones, you know, just to be nice.
Aloe Bud has attracted over 12,000 super engaged followers, and receives hundreds of resources everyday. The community even named our bee mascot: Beeyoncé 🐝.
As Aloe grew the website and brand got increasingly confused, with separate websites for different features (community vs app) and the brand wasn’t used consistently. I worked with Amber to take the best of what had been created and decided on which areas to focus the brand.
After we looked at a new website that brings the app and community together in one place, allowing Aloe to continue to grow.
I created this illustration to help promote Aloe Bud, to be used on promotional material and as a phone wallpaper.
I mean, we're friends so can you really trust them?
"Everything he touches becomes beautiful. I’ve been friends with David for almost 15 years, but I’ve also known him as my creative partner. Since the age of 17 we’ve worked together on all types of projects ranging from branding, to UX/UI, to creating entire virtual worlds. David has the ability to take assets and a vision and turn it into something that feels like it should have existed all along. I love working with David and I can’t recommend him more highly to anyone. My mum loves him!"